5225 Shoreline Drive
Mound, MN 55364 Phone: (952) 388-9479 Type of Business: Coupon: One Month of Unlimited Fitness or Martial Arts Classes for $100 * Valid for first month only. Valid for new members only. One coupon per person. Must present coupon at time of registration. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At 3soteric located in Mound, Minnesota, we use a unique three-tiered approach to health and fitness: nourishment, movement, and enlightenment all within the fun skills and training used in MMA.
MMA is a great way to get fit and we wanted to bring this full-body workout to everyone, not just to those who want to get into fighting. More than anything, we allow you to get in tip-top shape like an MMA fighter while avoiding injuries!
We offer customized training, workout plans and nutritional guidance for you based on your commitment level which is all focused on improving your overall mental and physical health. If you are looking for a program that not only challenges your body but your mind as well, we have you covered. Call or visit us to get registered today!

5225 Shoreline Dr
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 388-9479
One Month of Unlimited Fitness or Martial Arts Classes for $100 | |