A Newer You
1620 Pacheco Boulevard
Martinez, CA 94553 Phone: (925) 387-0251 Type of Business: Coupon: 3 Half-Body Sculpting Sessions for $189 OR full body for $285 * Includes FREE 25 Minute Ionic Foot Detox Session and consultation. Call to book your consultation and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
A Newer You located in Martinez, California offers you a way to lose weight at the speed of light, heal your body back to its younger state and a natural way to detoxify your body.
Body Sculpting
We target problem areas with Renew & Sculpt™ LED light therapy, designed to open up fat cells and drain their contents. As the fatty acids, water, and glycerol drains from fat cells, the cells shrink, resulting in inch loss from two areas of your choice such as: the abdomen, legs, arms, back, and chin. Once the fat leaves the fat cells, it is transported as free fatty acids to the lymphatic system to be used as energy. While the Renew & Sculpt™ goes to work on the fat cells; a Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) recording deeply relaxes patients and reduces stress. When the Renew & Sculpt™ and TGI treatments end, patients step onto a whole-body-vibration machine, which aids the Renew & Sculpt™ treatments in detoxifying the body, to tone muscles, build bone density, and tighten skin. Added benefits include diminished appearance of scars and stretch marks. Though inch loss can be seen after one treatment, multiple treatments are recommended (typically 9 sessions.) No downtime is required.
If you are looking for a completely safe and natural answer to your aches and pains, look no further. Renew & Sculpt™ has been shown to greatly enhance the body's ability to heal itself while reducing pain and inflammation!
The results include diminished pain, reduced inflammation, decreased edema, faster healing times and increased strength of repaired tissues.
The IonizeMe is a highly specialized foot bath using ion enriched energized water. The biocharge of the IonizeMe is safely absorbed into the body which will assist your cells to assimilate, eliminate and detoxify themselves more efficiently. The IonizeMe raises the bioenergy in the body helping to recharge energy depleted cells allowing the biocharge and negative ions to permeate into the water.
For more information on the services we have to offer, visit our website and call us to book your FREE consultation today!

A Newer You
1620 Pacheco Blvd
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 387-0251
3 Half-Body Sculpting Sessions for $189 OR full body for $285 | |