Adventures in Dance 80120
(720) 276-0562 Type of Business: Coupon: *Valid for new clients only. Call to register and mention coupon at time of booking. Some restrictions may apply |
Conveniently Located in Littleton, Colorado, Adventures in Dance is a Partnership dance studio. We have a floating hardwood dance floor to add spring to your steps and ample mirrors to reflect your progress and to enhance your overall learning experience.
Adventures In Dance teaches everyone from beginners to practiced steppers and offers instruction to individuals, couples and groups as well as special events. We even offer monthly live music and dancing!
We’re happy to work with you or your group to prepare them for every social occasion. Whatever your desire, our professional staff is ready to take you on an adventure, a dance adventure at…
Adventures in Dance!

Adventures in Dance
207-1500 W Littleton Blvd
Littleton, CO 80120
(720) 276-0562
$35 for two 25 minute individual lessons, one 1 hour group class and one practice party