Aggarwal Health and Wellness Centre
7017 140 Street
Surrey, BC V3W 6R7 Phone: (604) 593-5334 Type of Business: Coupon: Live and Dry Blood Analysis, Blood Grouping, and Diet Chart for $49 * Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Aggarwal Health, our health and wellness centre treats various diseases with homeopathic and herbal remedies which are safe and effective and do not have any side effects. We take both acute and chronic cases.
We also do the Blood Cell Analysis which tells us about the state of the inner health at cellular level. It helps us to look at various nutritive deficiencies in the body and different systems in detail so we candetermine the corrective measures to be taken to bring about real cure.
Included with your blood analysis is a detailed five page report, a customized diet plan and a disk containing images and videos recorded during the analysis. This can help bring about necessary corrective changes in your diet and lifestyle to make you healthier and happier.

Aggarwal Health and Wellness Centre
7017 140 St
Surrey, BC V3W 6R7
(604) 593-5334
Live and Dry Blood Analysis, Blood Grouping, and Diet Chart for $49 | |