Baby Steps Ultrasound
650 North Sam Houston Pkwy E
Houston, TX 77060 Phone: (281) 999-0003 Type of Business: Coupon: Platinum 3D/4D Ultrasound package for $85 * Regular price is $149. Package includes: 30 minute session, 4 printed pictures, CD of images, DVD of baby’s movements. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Baby Steps Ultrasound in Houston, TX, you will be provided with superior quality images of your baby before he or she is even born. We use cutting edge 3D ultrasound and 4D ultrasound technology to bring the images of your unborn baby to life. We provide you and your family with a comfortable and safe home environment to view your 3D 4D sonogram. As a limited diagnostic facility, we are able to note fetal number, the baby’s gender, presence of a fetal heartbeat, and the baby’s positions.
Our elective prenatal ultrasounds are used strictly to complement the full anatomical diagnostic study that is completed by the customers Obstetrician.
At Baby Steps Ultrasound, we look forward to sharing this unforgettable experience with you. We know that your visit with us will be a memory that lasts a lifetime. We can comfortably seat 8 invited guests in our viewing room and are happy to have them join in the fun! The viewing room has an amazingly comfortable bed for mom, couch and chairs for guests, along with a large screen TV. We are child-friendly, so bring the whole family!

Baby Steps Ultrasound
650 N Sam Houston Pkwy E
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 999-0003
Platinum 3D/4D Ultrasound package for $85 | |