Brian Duffy’s Kenpo Karate
4606 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744 Phone: (512) 444-9889 Type of Business: Coupon: Six Weeks of Martial Arts Classes including Uniform for $45
* Valid for adults and kids six years of age and older. Valid for new students only. One coupon per person. All classes must be redeemed by same person and used within six weeks from date of registration. Call to register and mention coupon at time of registration. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Located in Austin, Texas, Brian Duffy’s Kenpo Karate has been offering American Kenpo since 1973. American Kempo (Law of the Fist) is a modern combat system of self-defense based upon scientific principles and is primarily a weaponless martial art, characterized by the use of close-range strikes delivered with speed, power and maximum efficiency.
Our Kenpo program is a unique system that effectively combines the power of body and mind to increase your energy, discipline, and fitness for a longer, happier life.
The mental benefits of the martial arts quickly become apparent as students notice improved focus and concentration, greater stress relief and management, improved confidence and an overall greater sense of well-being.

Brian Duffy’s Kenpo Karate
4606 Burleson Rd
Austin, TX 78744
(512) 444-9889
Six Weeks of Martial Arts Classes including Uniform for $45