CASS Fitness
North America Wide – Online offer
Phone: (412) 913-5216 Type of Business: Coupon: 20% Off Online Personal Training * Valid for new members only. One coupon per person. To register, click HERE and use Coupon Code: LOONIE at checkout to receive discount. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Now you can get the benefits of a one on one workout with a CASS Fitness Personal Trainer no matter where you are located! The CASS Fitness Online Personal Training Program, you will receive a customized monthly workout plan based on your goals. Along with your personal trainer, you both will be able to design and follow your workout plan and get RESULTS! Our online training software can be used either on your smartphone while at the gym or in the comfort of your home on a personal computer. We will track and graph your progress as you workout and make sure things are moving according to plan. You will always have access to your certified personal trainer and if you are having issues, we provide videos and descriptions on how to properly do the exercises. All these features and your entire routine available right from your mobile device!
Our certified personal trainers specialize in a number of different fields, such as weight loss, fat loss, strength training, bodybuilding, sport specific training, corrective exercises, flexibility, endurance training, and more. We will fit you with the best trainer for your specific needs.

CASS Fitness
(412) 913-5216
20% Off Online Personal Training. Coupon Code: LOONIE | |