Central GlassWorks 98531
(360) 623-1099 Type of Business: Coupon: * Call or email to book lesson and mention coupon at time of booking. Not valid with any other promotion or offer. Regular price is $170 |
Central GlassWorks located in Centralia, WA, is a glassblowing studio and gallery open to the public for glassblowing classes and demonstrations. We also have a full gallery specializing in gifts, holiday shopping, and fine art.
With our private lessons, you can make two small pieces or one larger piece, available for pickup the following day. Your piece can be tailored to you or great to give as a gift. It’s a truly unique, up close and personal experience you won’t soon forget.

Central GlassWorks
109 W Main St
Centralia, WA 98531
(360) 623-1099
2 Hour Private Glassblowing lesson for up to 4 people for $99 | |