Charade Sailboat Charters
Alsdorf Boat Launching Park
Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Phone: (561) 272-4555 Type of Business: Coupon: 25% off coastal cruise ticket * Regular price of ticket is $100. Call to book your ticket and mention coupon at time of booking. Not valid on holidays or holiday weekends. Not valid from December 24 through January 1. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Charade Sailboat Charters is the premier charter sailboat in southeast Florida between Miami to Palm Beach and beyond.
Come aboard, relax and enjoy our coastal cruises up to four hours in length off of some of the best beaches in Florida. Learn to sail, handle the lines, take out the sails, tack the jib, take the helm. Just want to relax, lie and nap or sun on our deck pads, or sit on our rail seats in the back of the boat. Bring your camera, takes lots of beautiful pictures of you having fun on CHARADE!!!
Guests usually bring picnic and beverages including beer and white wine. NO HARD ALCOHOL or RED WINE PERMITTED.

Charade Sailboat Charters
Alsdorf Boat Launching Park
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
(561) 272-4555
(215) 605-9990
25% off coastal cruise ticket | |