Commando Krav Maga Northeast
490 Westchester Road
Colchester,CT 06415 Phone: (860) 334-7294 Type of Business: Coupon: 20% off 6 month or one year enrollment fee in CKM or Women’s CKM program plus receive a free t-shirt
* Valid for new students only. One coupon per person. Minimum age to join program is 13 years old. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion. |
Commando Krav Maga is the fastest growing reality based self defense system in the world for women and men. At CKMNortheast, we offer CKM training for men and women, as well as Smartsafe Women’s Commando Krav Maga for women only. No bull no belts just reality based defense.
No defense know violence, know defense no violence!
Follow us on FB @ CKMNortheast

Commando Krav Maga Northeast
490 Westchester Rd
Colchester, CT 06415
(860) 334-7294
20% off 6 month or one year enrollment fee in CKM or Women’s CKM program plus receive a free t-shirt | |