Creative Carafes
Available at Various locations
across Orange County, CA Phone: (877) 765-1818 Type of Business: Coupon: $25 per person or $47 for two people to any painting event and 10% off private painting parties * To book your event click HERE and use coupon code: LOONIE for one person and LOONIEX2 for two people. One coupon per person. To book your private party, click HERE and mention coupon when filling out form. Does not apply towards special events. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Creative Carafes was founded to answer the demand for higher quality sip and paint events. We provide professional artists with outstanding training, and we focus on ensuring every one of our customers has a successful, fun, and memorable night out.
We are passionate about supporting the arts and our communities. We champion small businesses by filling up locally owned establishments with patrons looking for a fun, unique night out. We also host fundraising events to raise money for worthy causes.
Creative Carafes also provides a way for enthusiastic, vibrant art lovers to earn a living. We train and support our event hosts, giving them the art career they’ve always wanted.

Creative Carafes
Various locations
Orange County, CA (877) 765-1818
$25 per person or $47 for two people to any painting event and 10% off private painting parties | |