D1 and Only Martial Arts
3385 Deer Valley Road
Antioch, CA 94531 Phone: (925) 753-1167 Type of Business: Coupon: One Month of Martial Arts Classes for $39.99 * Valid for new students only. One coupon per person. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion
D1 and Only Martial Arts is a family-oriented martial arts facility that teaches a highly effective and realistic self-defense system for today’s urban threats, known as Krav Maga. We focus on physical fitness, character development and academic success and offer a variety of unique life-skills programs for our youth to help them become successful members of our society. Our objective is not to develop world champions. At D1and Only Martial Arts, we “Develop Life Champions”!

D1 and Only Martial Arts
3385 Deer Valley Rd
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 753-1167
One Month of Martial Arts Classes for $39.99 | |