5629 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77057 Phone: (713) 344-0525 Type of Business: Coupon: 25% off any Virtual Reality Escape Quest * Must be 10 years of age or older. Click HERE to book your quest and use Coupon Code: LOONIEVR at checkout to receive discount. Valid for up to 6 players. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Established in 2016, ExitusVR allows everyone to experience the future in a safe and secure environment. ExitusVR is the first and only virtual reality game in Houston. We offer multi-player games as well as a single player option which offers a variety of games to choose from.
Multi-player games:
Mind Horror – 4 players become avatars inside of a game and as detectives of the future they will enter the mind of a maniac to find the child he kidnapped.
Escape the Cosmos – work together with your team for the salvation of all humanity. We are counting on you and hope you can return back to earth…alive!

5629 SW Freeway
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 344-0525
25% off any Virtual Reality Escape Quest | |