Exude® Fitness
301 E 57th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10022 Phone: (212) 644-9559 Type of Business: Coupon: * Regular price is $349. Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Program is to be paid at time of booking. Sessions are held in person via Exude. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion. **
Exude® Fitness Presents: Escape Your Cellulite – Let Exude Fitness show you how to Escape Your Cellulite this season in time to wear your favorite bathing suit – with confidence by summer!
What is included with the Escape Your Cellulite & Problem-Areas Fitness Program:
* Overview and review of your daily diet & current exercise regimen
* A guide on reducing and eliminating cellulite and stubborn problem-areas
* A lifestyle & fitness assessment & measurements, including goal-setting, an 8-Day Escape Your Cellulite Eating Planner for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks for at home or while eating out, choice of one copy of one of their best-selling books “Hold it! You’re Exercising Wrong” (Simon & Schuster) or “Escape Your Shape” (Simon & Schuster) or “Escape Your Weight” (St. Martin’s Press),
* Two customized personal training sessions based on your current level of fitness, body type, medical/orthopedic background and your specific goals.
At Exude, the staff uses a medically-proven and patented fitness program that has been delivering real results since 1985 to teach you how to exercise properly to rid cellulite & eliminate problem-areas.
Get Results!
Exude Fitness, which owns the world’s only patented fitness program based on body types have been featured in numerous magazines, publications, and national television shows including; The View – with Barbara Walters, Good Morning America with Diane Sawyer, Good Day NY, and The Today Show.
Your program starts with a thorough lifestyle assessment and review of where, when, and how you should be exercising. Then, receive two custom-designed one-on-one personal training session to realize your fitness, health & aesthetic goals.
During the initial assessment, an Exude Program Director will determine the best exercises for your body type and analyze your current workout regimen, during which he or she will also provide you with the know-how to rid your problem areas and reduce cellulite. You will receive a comprehensive goal-setting blueprint which includes meal planning to help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals.
Click HERE to learn how you TOO can escape your cellulite!

Exude® Fitness
301 E 57th St, 5th Fl
New York, NY 10022
(212) 644-9559
Escape Your Cellulite and Problem-Areas Fitness Program only $129 | |