Eye Envy Microblading & Image Enhancement
15466 Los Gatos Boulevard
Suite 207 Los Gatos, CA 95037 Phone: (408) 675-8494 Type of Business: Coupon: >$150 off Microblading Services * Regular price is $599. With discount, only $449. Includes touch up session. Click HERE to book your appointment. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Eye Envy Microblading & Image Entertainment is dedicated to making you look and feel beautiful effortlessly at ANY time of the day! Long gone are the days of penciling in your brows or settling for the “sharpie marker” look of enhanced eyebrows.
We specialize in microblading, a meticulously skilled technique of achieving natural, youthful eyebrows without the need to apply daily make-up. Imagine waking up and showering without your eyebrows washing off!
Your perfectly shaped eyebrows will save you so much time in the mornings and hundreds of dollars spent on brow make-up, waxing, and need for bi-weekly threading.

Eye Envy Microblading & Image Enhancement
15466 Los Gatos Blvd, Suite 207
Los Gatos, CA 95037
(408) 675-8494
$150 off Microblading Services | |