Green Cleen Canada
Servicing Calgary City
Limits only Phone: (403) 461-9758 Type of Business: Coupon: * Valid only within Calgary City Limits. One coupon per household. Email: to schedule your cleaning. Must provide: Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address in email when scheduling appointment. May be required to leave bins out in an accessible location overnight and empty so that they can be cleaned the next day. Valid for one visit to clean up to 3 wheelie bins at a specified address. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
With GreenCleen Canada, clients can rest assured their grimy residential black (Garbage), blue (Recycling), and green (Compost) bins will once again be in pristine condition. Washing, deodorizing, and sanitizing bins, Green Cleen will effectively banish germs in an eco-friendly manner. The cleaning method consists of using high-pressure rotating and sanitizing water jets to remove even the most relentless of dirt.

Green Cleen Canada
(403) 461-9758
Cleaning service for Black, Blue and Green Wheelie Bins for $30 | |