Karate Jutsu of Rahway
75 East Cherry Street, Suite 2A
Rahway, NJ 07065 Phone: (732) 770-8619 Type of Business: Coupon: Three Months Kids Karate Jutsu for $99 OR Three Months Adult Karate Jutsu or Tettsui Self Defense for $69
* Valid for new members only. One coupon per person. Must present coupon at time of registration. Classes for adults held 2x per week and kids 3x per week. Kids must be 5 years of age and older. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Located in Rahway, New Jersey, Karate Jutsu of Rahway offers adult and kids programs in Karate Jutsu and an adults program in Tettsui. Karate Jutsu is not a new style but the name the old Masters like Funakoshi and Motobu called Karate before WWII. Early karate training was only about Self Defense and not sport or just fitness. Our programs focus on teaching that Karate is not just a striking system but a complete system that includes throws, locks and grappling. Join our program and learn the art of self defense and discipline while getting in shape and having fun!

Karate Jutsu of Rahway
75 East Cherry St, Ste 2A
Rahway, NJ 07065
(732) 770-8619
Three Months Kids Karate Jutsu for $99 OR Three Months Adult Karate Jutsu or Tettsui Self Defense for $69