LaserAid by Anne Finlay
540 10th Avenue
Hanover, ON N4N 2P4 Phone: (877) 868-8883 Type of Business: Coupon: $25 off LaserAid – Stop Smoking in 1 Treatment * Bring a friend and save $50 each off the regular price of $300 plus HST. Both people must attend at same appointment. Weight Control Points included ($40 value). Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
With LaserAid – Arrive a smoker and leave a non-smoker! Stop Smoking in one treatment!
You MUST have the desire for change. LaserAid is:
We offer group rates and NO Hidden Fees and have been helping smokers quit smoking in Collingwood, Hanover and surrounding areas since since 1986! Experience Total Freedom with our Laser Therapy and Behaviour Modification Coaching.
About LaserAid
LaserAid is an invisible laser used to stimulate acupuncture and acupressure points on the body. Because these points are located from head to toe we recommend loose fitting clothing so the client does not need to disrobe. The therapist needs to reach points above the knee and the middle of the chest. Laser therapy is successfully used for weight loss, anxiety, stress, pain and digestion, as well as treating addictions such as smoking. We have successfully treated disorders and addictions including drugs, alcohol, and self-mutilation.
We are different from any other clinic out there. We ourselves are EX-SMOKERS so we completely understand what you are
going through. We combine counseling, detoxifying herbs, and depleted nutritionals to support your plan. This ensures a smooth and energized success.

LaserAid by Anne Finlay
540 10th Ave
Hanover, ON N4N 2P4
(877) 868-8883
$25 off LaserAid – Stop Smoking in 1 Treatment | |