Life Colonics M5R 1V7
(647) 638-7262 Type of Business: Coupon: * One coupon per person. Call to schedule your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. 48 hour cancellation notice required. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion |
Life Colonics is a Colon Hydrotherapy clinic located in downtown Toronto. Here, we offer Colon Hydrotherapy in a professional setting using Health Canada and FDA approved equipment and sterile disposable supplies to bring you the most hygienic and safest experience available. Our certified Colon Hydrotherapist will explain the procedure and ensure your comfort throughout the session. Education on detoxification and healthy living will also be discussed. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal health from the inside out.

Life Colonics
258 Dupont St
Toronto, ON M5R 1V7
(647) 638-7262
15% off Colon Hydrotherapy. Coupon Code: looniecoupons15% | |