Mada Krav Maga
48796 Van Dyke Avenue
Utica, MI 48317 Phone: (586) 838-1466 Type of Business: Coupon: * Valid for new clients only. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Mada Krav Maga, we’re all about health and safety. We teach what’s effective out of Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu as it applies to eliminating a threat as quickly as possible. We have youth classes starting at 6 years old and adults up to 75 years old training with us. No matter what your background or physical conditioning, everybody needs to know how to defend themselves. We make it easy in a fun, ego free environment.
Check out our website for class times and other info. See you soon!

Mada Krav Maga
48796 Van Dyke Ave
Utica, MI 48317
(586) 838-1466
2 week trial membership for $19 | |