Mental Marksmanship
10402 West Old Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086 Phone: (928) 245-0885 Type of Business: Coupon: * Minimum age is 21. Check website for class schedule and call to register. Mention coupon at time of registration. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Mental Marksmanship, our classes are made up of class time, video scenarios and live fire. We produce and utilize our own unique training video scenarios that allow you to begin to develop the mental pathways to being prepared should you need them. Owner/operator, Jack Husted has been an Arizona Law Enforcement Officer and with over 35 years of experience, can help ensure you are well prepared for the possibility of self defense and lethal force situations.
The AZ State Concealed Carry Class is an Arizona DPS approved class. This class includes sections of law and legal aspects, decision making, basic safety, mental preparation. This class also has a live fire portion with qualifications of 5 rounds at 5 yards and 5 rounds at 10 yards. While Arizona no longer requires a Concealed Carry Permit, this 8 hour class provides valuable training demonstrating basic firearm proficiency as well as many other benefits and is recognized in many other states.

Mental Marksmanship
10402 W Old Carefree Hwy
Phoenix, AZ 85086
(928) 245-0885
AZ State Concealed Carry Class for $59 | |