Mind Sight Firearms Training
17703 Valleyview Drive
Jordan, MN 55352 Phone: (763) 308-4867 Type of Business: Coupon: * Register online and mention coupon at time of registration. Must present coupon at class to receive discount. For basic training, must be 18 years of age or older. For MN Permit to Carry course, must be 21 years of age of older. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Mind Sight Firearms Training, we provide high-quality education and training for individuals and families choosing a lifestyle of responsible ownership, use and carry of handguns for self-protection at home and in public.
Minnesota Permit to Carry
This course will cover all necessary curriculum required by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) for a MN Permit to Carry. Additionally, students will learn Situational Awareness, review basic firearm skills and discuss legal and moral issues surrounding personal handgun use. Upon completion of the course, students will be required to file appropriate paperwork through their county sheriff’s department.
Basic Handgun Fundamentals
This course focuses on handgun knowledge, safety and shooting fundamentals, home defense, situational awareness, and safe storage.

Mind Sight Firearms Training
17703 Valleyview Dr
Jordan, MN 55352
(763) 308-4867
$60 for MN Permit To Carry course or $80 for Basic Handgun Fundamentals training | |