Mother Earth Maids California
Services provided within 16 miles
of Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: (949) 872-8293 Type of Business: Coupon: Six Man Hours of Deep Cleaning with Three Maids for Two hours for $145 * Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Offer is based on 6 man hours and area up to 1,400 SQ FT. Not valid for move in/out service. Excessively dirty homes will require additional time. Additional hourly charges are $30 per hour per cleaner for a regular clean and $35 per cleaner per hour for move in/move out cleaning. Call to book your cleaning and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion
Mother Earth Maids offers a truly unique cleaning experience with services tailored to your exact cleaning needs. We only use 100% natural and non-toxic cleaning products that leave your home fresh and sparkling all the while improving your well-being by going green!

Mother Earth Maids California
(949) 872-8293
Six Man Hours of Deep Cleaning with Three Maids for Two hours for $145 | |