Mountain Wings Hang Gliding
77 Hang Glider Road
Ellenville, NY 12428 Phone: (845) 647-3377 Type of Business: Coupon: * Regular price is $220 per person. If two people, price per person is $160. Call to book course and mention coupon at time of booking. Valid for new students only. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Mountain Wings Hang Gliding, we have been teaching the art of hang gliding since 1980 and are New York’s premiere flight school. With our certified instructors and proven safety record, Mountain Wings has taught more people to fly then any other school in the North East. Our premises boasts beautiful waterfalls, swimming, caves, free camping, WiFi and clean bathrooms with showers.
Click here to view a video of our introductory lessons completed by individuals like yourself.

Mountain Wings Hang Gliding
77 Hang Glider Rd
Ellenville, NY 12428
(845) 647-3377
Bring two friends and pay only $150 each for Introduction To Hang Gliding Course | |