Mystic Tea Leaves
1233 Decauter Street
New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: (504) 710-5487 Type of Business: Coupon: Psychic and Tarot Card reading by phone for $40 * Call to setup reading and mention coupon at time of booking. Readings also available in person and regular rates. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
With over 50 years of professional experience, psychic Catherina is a known and respected practitioner in New Orleans and around the world. As featured on Big World Little People, Girls Next Door and Mark Latti book Creative Equals, she has also been on the MTV music awards and in 2010, was recognized by the Guinness World Records as creating the largest Voodoo Doll at an estimated 20 feet tall. Her readings include: Palm, Tarot, Psychic, Creole Bone, Aura, Crystal Ball, Past Life and Pet Animal. Readings can be completed over the phone or in person. Call to book your appointment today!

Mystic Tea Leaves
1233 Decauter St
New Orleans, LA 70116
(504) 710-5487
Psychic and Tarot Card reading by phone for $40 | |