New Leaf Cosmetic Centers
17740 Preston Road, Suite 200H
Dallas, TX 75252 Phone: (469) 489-7000 Type of Business: Coupon: Two Thermalift Treatments for $89 OR Two Fat Reduction (Ultrasound Cavitation)Treatments for $69 * One coupon per person. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At New Leaf Lipo Cosmetic Centers located in Dallas, Texas, we offer Advanced Non-Surgical Face & Body Solutions.
Our treatments are the world’s most advanced solutions for non-surgical fat loss and skin tightening and include; Ultrasonics, Ultra Lift, High Intensity Lipo Light, Radio Frequency Skin Tightening and more. Get the body you have always wanted without having to diet or do vigorous exercise. Our trained and professional staff are here to help you get the results you want. Call us to book your appointment today!

New Leaf Cosmetic Centers
17740 Preston Rd, Ste 200H
Dallas, TX 75252
(469) 489-7000
Two Thermalift Treatments for $89 OR Two Fat Reduction (Ultrasound Cavitation)Treatments for $69 | |