Onelove Healing Arts
511 2nd Street, Suite 13
Hudson, WI 54016 Phone: (715) 256-7592 Type of Business: Coupon: One hour massage for $49 * Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Click HERE to book your appointment. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
At Onelove Healing Arts located in Hudson, Wisconsin, we offer professional and therapeutic massage therapy and Reiki. Our massage services include Deep Tissue, Rehabilitative and Relaxing Massage Therapy and are available in our office or can be brought to a convenient place for you.
Whether you are seeking assistance in recovering from a recent symptom of pain or injury, aiming to overcome a chronic pain condition, or simply interested in overall maintenance of your flexibility and stress reduction, we can help. Visit our website for more details on all the services we have to offer.

Onelove Healing Arts
511 2nd St, Ste 13
Hudson, WI 54016
(715) 256-7592
One hour massage for $49 | |