Own a Napa Vineyard
1003 Dealy Lane
Napa, CA 94559 Phone: (707) 495-2464 Type of Business: Coupon: 2 vines in a Napa Vineyard for $119 per year and 50% off wine purchases * Regular price is $198. Call to purchase your vineyard and mention coupon at time of purchase. There is no limit on amount of vines that can be purchased. 50% discount also applies to private labelling. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
A vineyard lease (owning two or more vines) is a unique gift for the person who has everything and is a great gift idea for a Wedding, Mother’s and Father’s Day, Graduation, or any other special occasion. Your lease includes a live webcam view of your vineyard, laminated tags with your vineyard name to mark your vines and access to come out anytime to visit your vineyard and help if you want to tend to the vines. In September, we hold a harvest party so you get to harvest the grapes and process the fruit into wine, grape juice or jam.

Own a Napa Vineyard
1003 Dealy Lane
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 495-2464
2 vines in a Napa Vineyard for $119 per year and 50% off wine purchases | |