Panther Action Sportz V3S 9V2
(604) 533-0890 Type of Business: Coupon: * Valid for playing field only. |
Panther Paintball & Panther Airsoft are now under the banner name of Panther Action Sportz. For over 25 years we have offered the best Paintball and Airsoft games in BC. We provide the largest facilities, the best prices in the Province, and the first on so many fronts – compressed air, semi auto rentals and Airsoft rentals. We have THE best outdoor playing field facilities in the province including fresh water, washroom facilities and electricity.
When you want the best experience playing Paintball or Airsoft, Panther is the place to go.
We are the only field in North America to give FREE rentals and FREE admission so you only pay for what you consume!

Panther Action Sportz
19022 16 Ave
Langley, BC V3S 9V2
(604) 533-0890
20% off case lots of paintballs