Prairie Dog Guns
Lone Star Cowboy Church
123 Cowboy Way Nevada, TX 75173 Phone: (972) 978-1657 Type of Business: Coupon: $35 for License to Carry Class * Click HERE to register for the class. Present coupon on day of class with payment. One coupon per person. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Prairie Dog Guns is licenseD by the State of Texas for License To Carry Classes. We have been offering classes for over the last 8 years. The state requirements for the class is approximately 4 ½ hours withe the Proficiency part taking about 35 min to 45 min per test. Classes are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
All classes are held at the Lone Star Cowboy Church in Nevada, Texas. Visit our website for more details.

Prairie Dog Guns
123 Cowboy Way
Nevada, TX 75173
(972) 978-1657
$35 for License to Carry Class | |