Purtzer Golf Academy
4435 East Paradise Village Parkway S
Phoenix, AZ 85028 Phone: (602) 314-5950 Type of Business: Coupon: 30% off first private golf lesson and 10% off all golf schools
* Valid for new students only. One coupon per person. Call to register and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion. |
Purtzer Golf Academy provides one of the finest learning opportunities available anywhere in the world. Purtzer Golf Academy in Arizona, is designed around an atmosphere of positive and supportive learning. We take the time to understand the uniqueness of each individual and directly respond to each player’s goals and expectations for his or her golf game.
At the Purtzer Golf Academy, we establish coaching relationships with our players that result in new levels of golfing performance and lasting enjoyment, long after they leave our golf school or lesson tee.
Our mission at the Purtzer Golf Academy is to make sure you receive the tools necessary for improved golf play. We combine our love for the game, personal understanding of the physical, emotional, and psychological elements key to improvement, knowledge of the golf swing second-to-none, with a sincere commitment to provide continuing guidance and support as your game progresses.

Purtzer Golf Academy
4435 E Paradise Valley Parkway S
Phoenix, AZ 85028
(602) 314-5950
30% off first private golf lesson and 10% off all golf schools. | |