Rising Sun Martial Arts
467 Westney Road South
Ajax, ON L1S 6V7 Phone: (905) 428-8292 Type of Business: Coupon: 1 month of martial arts lessons for $29 * Valid for new members only. One coupon per person. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Optimize your potential with rising sun martial arts. Our studio promotes in kids; self esteem, discipline, focus, concentration, Confidence & better grades in school. If you are an adult taking our classes, we can help you with; stress release, memory skills, focus and an overall improvement in: strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and mobility. Join us no matter what age you are to have fun and get fit! Rising Sun Martial Arts helps to improve the overall Mind and Body of every individual we teach.

Rising Sun Martial Arts
467 Westney Rd S
Ajax, ON L1S 6V7
(905) 428-8292
1 month of martial arts lessons for $29 | |