RSM Children’s Dentistry
30212 Tomas, Suite 240
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone: (949) 888-8808 Type of Business: Coupon: Comprehensive Exam, Cleaning and X-Rays for $79 * Value over $300. Valid for new patients only. One coupon per person. For families with no insurance, save 20% off dental procedures. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Rancho Santa Margarita Children’s Dentistry has over 18 years of experience in children’s dentistsry. Our oral expertise for Rancho Santa Margarita’s children is what we pride our business on. We treat children for tooth aches and cavity’s with the most advanced state of the art technology. Our featured services include preventative children’s dentistry, oral hygiene and maintenance, management of growth and development, interceptive orthodontics, in office I.V. sedation and general anesthesia as well as emergency care.
Our goal is to replace your kids fear of dentists with love and excitement for dentistry. Our practice is a unique and fun place for children and entertaining for parents. We strive to make our office a comfortable environment where your child can develop a healthy smile.

RSM Children’s Dentistry
30212 Tomas, Ste 240
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(949) 888-8808
Comprehensive Exam, Cleaning and X-Rays for $79 | |