Salon Rouge Hair Salon K1N 7C8
(613) 241-1110 Type of Business: Coupon: *Not Valid on Keratin, Hair Extensions and Updos. Some restrictions apply, may not be combined with any other offers. For more information, please call us at (613) 241-1110 or click here to visit our website |
Salon Rouge is the best beauty salon in Downtown, Ottawa. Our Hair Salon encompasses 2,000 square feet of bright space, balanced in a mix of red, black and white modernity in “Dalhousie North” – Ottawa’s hottest new fashion district in the upper ByWard Market.
We offer many different hair services and products to choose from. Check out our website to see how we can cater to your hair needs and let us pamper you with a fashionable and trendy new look.

Salon Rouge Hair Salon
222 Dalhousie St
Ottawa, ON K1N 7C8
(613) 241-1110
20% off selected services