Skydive the Rock
4046 WI Highway 67, Hangar #2
Beloit, WI 53511 Phone: (312) 757-4454 Type of Business: Coupon: Tandem Skydiving Jump from Monday to Thursday for $159 OR Tandem Skydiving Jump from Friday to Sunday for $169 * Price valid for individual jump. Click HERE to make your reservation and use Coupon Code: LOONIEWK for weekday reservations and LOONIE for weekend reservations at checkout to receive discount. Subject to availability and weather. Must sign waiver. Must be 18 or older. 240 lbs maximum weight. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Located in Beloit, Wisconsin at the Beloit Airport, Skydive the Rock is the only skydiving establishment in Wisconsin that allows you to jump over not just one, but two states! Enjoy a jump from 14,000 feet with our experienced tandem masters and enjoy views of “The Rock”: Rockford, Rock County, and the beautiful Rock River!

Skydive the Rock
4046 WI Highway 67, Hangar #2
Beloit, WI 53511
(312) 757-4454
Tandem Skydiving Jump from Monday to Thursday for $159 OR Tandem Skydiving Jump from Friday to Sunday for $169 | |