Spaulding School of Music (877) 665-7802 Type of Business: Coupon: * Valid for new customers only. Must mention coupon when booking for lessons. Coupon can also be used for our 3 locations. |
“Learn to play any instrument by ear”
For over 20 years the Spaulding School of Music has been providing students with a firm foundational knowledge of their instrument before focusing on the regurgitation of old artist compositions. Our students experience a heightened ability to improvise, compose and enjoy each instrument for its original intent purpose: As a tool for deep self expression. Through our unique “Applied Theory” approach, each student learns to play their instrument well, then share that skill with others through collaborative expression, stage performances, recording sessions, composition, the writing of sheet music and more.

Spaulding School of Music
spauldingschoolof (877) 665-7802
3 Online Music Lessons for $35. Mention coupon when booking online