Spirit Medium Elizabeth Anglin
In person or by phone – North America Wide
2872 State Hwy 14 N Madrid, NM 87010 Phone: (505) 908-9558 Type of Business: Coupon: One hour psychic reading for $99 * Call to book your reading and mention coupon at time of booking. One coupon per person. Readings also available by phone. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Award winning best-selling author, world renowned psychic, spirit medium and animal communicator, Elizabeth Anglin helps people connect with friends and family in spirit, beloved pets, spirit guides, guardians, angels, the akashic records, and the wisdom and intelligence of the physical body – optimizing physical and emotional wellness, accelerating healing, and overcoming grief, stress and anxiety.
Readings, healing sessions, and clearings with Elizabeth are gentle, joyful and full of compassion, humor and fun.
Clients often remark that sessions are comfortable, clarifying, and uplifting, raising the mind and heart up above the temporary illusions of physical life, while grounding the spirit in the physical world. They also report feeling less anxiety, greater fulfillment, comfort, hope, joyfulness and feelings of gratitude for life and life experiences.
In thousands of sessions over the past two decades, in an age of increasing information overload, second guessing and self-doubt, Elizabeth has helped hundreds of people align with their clearest and truest divine purpose.

Spirit Medium Elizabeth Anglin
2872 State Hwy 14 N
Madrid, NM 87010
(505) 908-9558
One hour psychic reading for $99 | |