Sylvan Lake Paintball T4S 0E9
(403) 321-4227 Type of Business: Coupon: |
* Not valid with any other offer or promotion. Call to make a reservation and mention coupon at time of booking. Coupon only valid with reservation
Sylvan Lake Paintball is the longest running paintball field in central Alberta. We offer a range of affordable packages as well as a full service outdoor paintball facility. We currently have three outdoor courses and a 4th on the way. At Sylvan lake Paintball, we offer quality rental equipment as well as upgraded rental equipment if you want something with a little extra bang.

Sylvan Lake Paintball
Township Rd 392 W
Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 0E9
(403) 321-4227
Free gun, airfills and use of the facility for 4 hours with purchase of 200 paintballs. Valid with reservation only