Test Your Intolerance
Available North America Wide www.testyourintolerance.ca Type of Business: Coupon: 50% Off Food Allergy & Intolerance Test * Click HERE for Canadian residents and select ADVANCED TEST. Add to basket and use Coupon Code: LOONIE50 at checkout to receive discount. Click HERE for US residents and select PREMIER TEST. Add to basket and use Coupon Code: LOONIE50 at checkout to receive discount. One coupon per person. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Test Your Intolerance offers Bio resonance Food Intolerance tests which are conducted through a non-invasive hair sample which is tested against 600 food and non-food items to give you a report of your current sensitivities as well as nutritional deficiencies and sensitivities to metals. Our test can give you everything you need to know about improving your health and lifestyle!
With a simple test you can find out if you or a family member has a food intolerance, do something about it and start feeling more comfortable. Visit our website to get your test completed today!

Test Your Intolerance
50% Off Food Allergy & Intolerance Test Coupon Code: LOONIE50 | |