The Little Gym of McFarland – 3 Classes for $39

The Little Gym of McFarland

5120 Farwell Street
McFarland, WI

Phone: (608) 838-1024

Type of Business:
Kids Educational Classes

3 Classes for $39

* Valid for new students only. One coupon per person. All classes must be used by same person. Must sign waiver. Valid for ages 4 months to 12 years. Valid only at McFarland, WI location. One class per week. Must use in 3 consecutive weeks. Call to register and mention coupon at time of registration. Must present coupon at time of first class. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.

The Little Gym of McFarland

In 1976, educator, musician, and kinesiologist Robin Wes longed for a children’s gym that prioritized personal growth over competition. Unveiled at a time when physical-education classes pushed students to focus almost exclusively on winning, Robin’s program was swiftly adopted and is now used in more than 300 The Little Gym locations worldwide. Robin still pens original music to accompany lessons, which engage whippersnappers 4 months–12 years old with gymnastics, dance, karate, and parent and child activities.
The Little Gym of McFarland
Each of The Little Gym’s classes introduces simple movements that sharpen motor skills and set brains whirring, allowing kids to progress at their own pace until they can finally build a computer out of macaroni and glitter. Staff members strive to build a base for lifelong social skills and self-assurance with each exercise, including activities rooted purely in fun, such as summer camps or birthday parties. This helped The Little Gym to earn title of the Best Gym Party in Parents magazine in 2014.