Toronto Shape Up Studio M4M 1B9
(416) 219-5085 Type of Business: Coupon: |
Our business is Results Driven for our clients, whether you want to Lose Weight, create more Lean Muscle Mass or Improve your overall Health and Well Being. We work on a one on one basis with our clients providing excellent support and guidance.
Your Personal Wellness Coach works with you initially to provide you with a comprehensive Health Evaluation providing you with your current BMI-Body Fat and Muscle Percentage-Internal Body Age and Protein Factor that your body requires.
You participate in a Fuzion Workout class 2x per week which is combined with a Nutrition class, each class is 1 hour Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6:15-7:7:15pm or 7:30-8:30pm

Toronto Shape Up Studio
353 Eastern Ave
Toronto, ON M4M 1B9
(416) 219-5085
20 Fuzion Bootcamp Classes 2 nights per week over 5 weeks for $39