Ufly Simulator
1535 Meyerside Drive, Suite 6
Mississauga, ON L5T 1M9 Phone: (416) 777-2261 Type of Business: Coupon: * Valid for up to 2 people, one coupon per person. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion. Call to book and mention coupon at time of booking.
The most amazing and real flight simulator experience you will have!
A pilot carefully lowers his 777 jumbo jet toward its final destination below. The runway holds steady in the center of his field of vision, the horizon teetering slightly in the distance. Very, very few humans will ever experience the real responsibility and heart-pumping thrill of this scene; it takes too many hours of training to ever get to the pilot’s seat in the first place.
That’s where uFly Simulator Inc. comes in. Here, patrons can experience what it would be like to fly a commercial airliner without the career change. uFly’s B 777-200ER replica simulator contains all of the instruments and feedback that pilots find on board a real aircraft, including a 180-degree field of vision filled with a computer-generated real-time display. What’s more, while earth-bound pilots helm their ersatz flying machines, a real commercial pilot serves as co-pilot, offering guidance for smooth sky-sailing and pointing out sky police speed traps.

Ufly Simulator
6-1535 Meyerside Dr
Mississauga, ON L5T 1M9
(416) 777-2261
One Hour B777 Flight Simulator for $149 | |