Winston-Salem Moving & Storage
Moving services provided in
Winston-Salem, NC Phone: (336) 734-3190 Type of Business: Coupon: 3 Hours Labor including 3 Men and a Truck for $260 * Additional labor hours are available. Pads are included. Call to book your move and mention coupon at time of booking. One coupon per move. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
Are you needing to move and could use a reliable and affordable moving company? Let Winston-Salem Moving & Storage be your #1 choice! Our moving experts bring more than a quarter of a century of experience to each moving job we undertake. Our vehicles are equipped to handle residential and commercial property moves as we offer full service packing, moving and storage services.
Let our quality movers help you relocate across the street or across the country. Call us today – with our friendly and efficient customer service, we can help you set up an in home site survey for household moves or get a estimate over the phone for smaller moves or local deliveries.

Winston-Salem Moving & Storage
Winston-Salem, NC
(336) 734-3190
3 Hours Labor including 3 Men and a Truck for $260 | |