Acumen Arms – 15% off NC Concealed Carry Class

Acumen Arms

3 Spring Cove Terrace
Asheville, NC

Phone: (828) 230-9208

Type of Business:
Firearms Training

15% off NC Concealed Carry Class

* Regular price of course is $100. Call or email to book course and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.


Acumen Arms

At Acumen Arms located in Asheville, NC, we offer a wide variety of firearm training to help you prepare for any situation. The NC Concealed Carry course is required in order to apply for a NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit. The course is a minimum of 8 hours [state mandated] plus range time. The course covers safe gun handling, proper shooting technique and legal aspects of concealed carry including use of deadly force. Each student must attend the entire 8 hours and pass an exam on the material covered as well as qualify on the range. The student should be prepared to fire 40 rounds of ammunition.