Angel Gloss Cosmetic Centre – One Dermafiller for laugh lines for $229 or two for $399

Angel Gloss Cosmetic Centre

138 Steeles Ave
Thornhill, ON
L4C 6Y9

Type of Business:

One Dermafiller for laugh lines for $229 or two for $399

* One coupon per treatment. Additional charges for other areas of face. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion


Angel Gloss

Cosmetic enhancement is almost as old as civilization itself. With the recent fusion of technology and knowledge, more and more people are interested in turning on the power of radiant skin.

In response to this need Angel Gloss Cosmetic Clinic is founded to provide non surgical and non invasive cosmetic procedures. Their designated cosmetic facility provides a tasteful, unique, private atmosphere for those seeking individual cosmetic enhancement.

Some of our services include:

* Botox injections
* Dermafiller for lip and cheek augmentation and soft face lift
* Non-surgical nose job with dermafiller
* PRP treatment
* Laser hair removal
* Skin care treatments and more