Atlas Bodyworks – 25% Off Any Service

Atlas Bodyworks

8315 Lee Highway, Unit 203
Fairfax, VA

Phone: (703) 560-1122

Type of Business:
Medi Spa

Coupon: 25% Off Any Service

* Not valid on CryoSkin services. Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.

Atlas Bodyworks

At Atlas Bodyworks located in Fairfax, Virginia, we are here to help your body work more efficiently. Our cutting edge, non-invasive treatments make sure your body is working with you to achieve your goals.

Our treatments include:
* Endermologie by LPGensures your skin is healthy and toned while increasing lymphatic drainage to keep those pesky extra inches off.
* Cryoskin 2.0kills off the extra fat cells that your body stubbornly doesn’t want to get rid of.
* Sunlighten infrared saunaleaves you feeling like a new person while boosting your metabolism and significantly detoxing your body.
* Formostar and M’lis body wrapsdeeply relaxing with body contouring benefits.