Elizabeth Yvonne Perez, Motivational Hypnosis Coach – FREE 30 Minute Phone Consultation and $149 for First 90-Minute In-Person Session

Elizabeth Yvonne Perez, Motivational Hypnosis Coach

18 Ainslie Street South
Cambridge, ON
N1R 3K1

Phone: (519) 841-9278

Type of Business:
Holistic Wellness/Life Coaching

Coupon: FREE 30 Minute Phone Consultation and $149 for First 90-Minute In-Person Session

* Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Call to book your FREE consultation and mention coupon at time of booking. 90-minute session is held in-person. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.

Elizabeth Yvonne Perez

Elizabeth Yvonne Perez is an intuitive life coach, kundalini and tantra yoga practitioner and motivational hypnosis consultant. She has been in the holistic field for many years offering workshops, sessions and teaching.

Her approach is to provide a designed session that focuses specifically on each individuals needs. She has helped people in the following areas:

* Pain management
* Stress management
* Spiritual awakening
* Reducing weight
* More clarity
* Purpose in life
* Manifest your goals
* Improves relationships
* Increase intuitive capacity
* Past life
* Life before lives
* Akashic records

During your session, she will coach you, provide a descriptive plan to follow as well as the appropriate techniques to incorporate into your life. Let Elizabeth help you take control of your life again!