Restorative Health Wellness Center – 10% off any service

Restorative Health Wellness Center
2327 Pansy Street SW
Huntsville, AL


(256) 520-2351

Type of Business:
Health and Wellness

10% off any service

* Valid for new clients only. One coupon per person. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion

Restorative Health Wellness Center

At Restorative Health Wellness Center located in Huntsville, AL, we provide a variety of services to better your well being. Two of our main services include: Colon Hydrotherapy and Ionic Foot Detox.

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe effective method of removing waste from the body, without the use of drugs. It is done by introducing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon, through a pencil thin, sterile and disposable rectal tube. The waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural contraction and relaxation, repeated a few times during a session.

Ionic Foot Detox has you soak your feet only by covering your ankle with clean water (reverse osmosis or distilled water) in a foot tub with an energizing cartridge that is responsible for the flow of electrons. This flow of electrons alters the water molecules by charging them into ions; it invigorates, reconditions and synchronizes the body’s natural ionic flow. The result is your body can detox safely at its own pace by metabolizing the residues in waste that are stored within the body. This pulls the toxins at a cellular level from the 2000 pores at the bottom of your feet, engaging the organs of detoxification, which can include the gallbladder.

For an entire list of the services we have to offer, visit our website for more information.