Rhythm Gym – $50 off kids fitness classes

Rhythm Gym

527 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1C6

Phone: (604) 428-5437

Type of Business:
Kids Fitness Studio

$50 off kids fitness classes

* Not valid on drop-ins, date nights or parties. To register, go online to www.rhythmgym.ca . Select your class, complete registration form and mention Loonie Coupons in the Comment Box to receive $50.00 off posted session fee. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.


Rhythm Gym

Rhythm Gym

Rhythm Gym combines basic gymnastics, active movement and manipulation of small hand held playful apparatus in a unique fitness system designed to each child’s specific age level needs, Utilizing music, dance and child specific fitness skills the trained Instructors are able to help each child unleash their creative spirit and inspire and prepare them for the lifelong love of active fitness. Principles of “physical literacy” are combined with games and challenges to make Rhythm Gym a great choice for parents who want to encourage a fit, healthy and active life. Small classes and a cozy, beautiful studio setting is a perfect beginning for your young child to fall in love with fitness for life.