RLG Private Transportation – Transportation from LAX Airport starting at $50

RLG Private Transportation

Serving Los Angeles, Beverly Hills
and Ventura, CA

Phone: (310) 988-3419

Type of Business:
Airport Transportation

Transportation from LAX Airport starting at $50

* 10 miles from LAX airport is $50, 20 miles from LAX airport is $100 and 30 miles from LAX airport is $150. If over 30 miles, contact us directly for quote. Call to book your reservation and mention coupon at time of reservation. Valid Monday to Thursday and Sunday. For Friday and Saturdays, add $25 to each trip for drop offs only to LAX. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion

RLG Private Transportation

At RLG Private Transportation, we provide SUV transportation services for our clients and will pick them up from their homes, business, or any other place of their choosing.

We are the best choice for your transportation needs for the following reasons:

* You receive your very own private chauffeur that has mastered luxury, personalized services, and safety while transporting you to your destination.

* Your travel itinerary is executed to perfection.

* We provide celebrity treatment to each client.

* Airport service to LAX, burbank, Santa Monica, Long beach and Orange county.

Let us accommodate you for your transportation needs. Visit our website to book your reservation today!